FREE | 29 March 2019 | 4.91 MB
These are a series of VSTs that I do for my own use and I have decided to share it with you. I’m not a programming professional, nor a sound engineer, just someone else in this world who makes his own music in a home studio, so I hope I apologize for possible failures that my VSTs may have.
In the work of creating my plugins I always receive help from people who know a lot more than me about the subject, so I thank all of them for the “loan of their knowledge” that undoubtedly make these plugins earn much more value than they would have if only I did, THANK you all.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR DOWNLOAD, any assessment, both negative and positive, will be appreciated.
Great vst , very good retro saturation 1982
on the site you can download other vst. Eq22, Gloria Eq and others
you can use jbridge to convert to x64
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