Beginner’s Guide to Music Production – 4th Edition, 2024 PDF


Beginner’s Guide to Music Production – 4th Edition, 2024 PDF

English | 132 pages | PDF | 94.9 MB

If you are looking to get started in music production but aren’t sure where to begin, you’ve come to the right place. This book is filled with expert advice and helpful tips to help you on your music making journey. We’ll have you creating your own tracks in no time; over the following pages you’ll learn how to record and arrange tracks like a pro, and we’ll also teach you some tricks for producing different genres like EDM, hip-hop, new country and more.

This book also comes with exclusive access to all the software, plugins and tutorial videos you need for a truly interactive learning experience. Simply follow our guide on page 15 to download and install the Computer Music Plugin Suite.

We hope you enjoy your first steps into the world of music production with this book. So let’s get started…


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