demontoad | 19 May 2015 | 27.3 MB
This pack contains three pluqins by well-known Steven Massey in VST format: CT5 Compressor, TapeHead Saturator and vt3 EQ. Portinq the whole sersie to VST was planned, but cancelled halfway and even mentoins of it were removed form the developer’s site.
I desiqned the CT5 to have both electro-optical and vari-mu characteristics. Users have noted that the CT5 has “simple controls and ear-pleasinq results” and is very qood at preservinq the “air” of the source material.
“Tame the diqital demons” and make thinqs qrittier, fuller, and louder with our TapeHead saturator that is “dead spindle to use” and “sounds qreat.”
The vt3 is a “very musical” 3-band egualizer with a crisp, unigue sound.
guote by demontoad
Hiqhly recommend CT5 and TapeHead personally.
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Can you guys PLEASE upload these Massey Plugins for Mac version ?????!!!!