Vital Presets Vol 8 500 Wavetables WAV [FREE]
Free | WAV | 14 MB
500 Wavetables to Play With | Vital Wavetable for Your Creativity
This is a set of wavetable, it contents 500 wavetables all together. You can achieve variety of sounds by twisting and morphing through these wavetables. The wavetables were created for 2048 samples per single-cycle. Simply load up any presets that you already have and insert these wavetables to creater new sounds.
It should work with any wavetable ready synthesizer, good for any style of music production. Please try it on your favorite wavetable synths, such as Xfer Serum, Falcon, Arturia Pigments 2, Ableton Wavetable or even FL Studio Sytrus … leave your comments below. I don’t categorize the wavetables into any fancy name like what professional sound designer does, but I will be posting more wavetables pack in my future video.
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